In the name of Allah, the most beneficent and the most merciful. Praise be to Allah, the creator, the sustainer, the cherisher, the most compassionate, the most gracious, and the most forgiving. All things in existence will return to him.
The reason behind Major Ziaraat formation, In 2012, my mother passed away. I arranged for her burial in Najaf, Iraq, even though it was my own wish, not hers. This was my first visit to Iraq, an unfamiliar place, but by God's grace, everything went smoothly, and I returned home safely. When visiting my mother's grave, friends often asked me to arrange tours for them to see the religious sites. At first, I planned to take a few friends a couple of times and then go alone. However, the trips were so successful that my friends suggested I start a tour company. So,I officially started Major Ziaraat.
Major Ziaraat Group has established itself around the world as the most organized and comprehensive religious tour operator of North America.
We pride ourselves on our high level of service, ensuring 100% positive ziareen experience with every aspect of ziaraat of all holy sites. Check out our 5-Star testimonials from previous ziareen.
All ziareen opt for our tours because they know about the top quality service we provide in terms of accommodation, transportation, meals, children's and senior citizen's special care, and comprehensive guided ziaraat by knowledgeable and humble Ulama-e-Deen. Our dedicated and professional team is trained to ensure that whatever package is selected by the ziareen, they always have a sense of self-satisfaction and are equally enlightened spiritually as well as mentally.
"Hussain is for everyone" - People from all faiths, including our Sunni brothers and sisters, are largely welcome. Special arrangements are made for guided Ziaraat of all sacred places of their choice.
Discover the spiritual beauty of Mashhad, Iran, with our 7-day pilgrimage package. Explore...
Experience the spiritual atmosphere of Karbala, Iraq, with our 5-day pilgrimage package. Visit holy...
Embark on a sacred journey to Makkah, Saudi Arabia, with our 6-day pilgrimage package. Perform...
Ziareen satisfaction is at the heart of everything we do.
We go the extra mile to ensure exceptional service at every step of ziaraat. We
constantly seek feedback and actively listen to ziareen suggestions, continuously
improving our service. Ziareens 100% positive feedback fuel our passion and drive to
continue delivering excellence.
Embark on a spiritual journey to explore the sacred Islamic religious places. Receive updates on pilgrimage packages, special offers, and enriching experiences that await you on your quest for spiritual enlightenment.
Explore our recent blog posts offering insights and information about Islamic religious places, pilgrimage experiences, and spiritual journeys.
Sehm-e-Sadaat and Sehm-e-Imam – We can deliver your Khums or Donation money to the Country/Marjah of your choice and send you the receipt.
We can arrange Khatam-e-Quran or Esal-e-Sawab Majlis in Najaf, Karbala, Mashhhad o Qom, for your marhomeen.
You can donate Namaz chair or Wheelchair for ziareen of Iraq, Iran or Syria.
We can arrange Maulana or Howza student to recite one year of wajib namaz and one month of rozay.
You can contact us for Ramazan donation. We make packages containing one full month of food supply for the most deserving families and individuals.
We can arrange Sadqa or Mannat Qurbani in Najaf, Karbala, Mashhad & Qom or at the holy shrine of Syed Mohammad A.S. in Balad.
We can make full arrangements for Nikah ceremony in Najaf, inside Haram of Imam Ali A.S. or in Mashhad, inside Haram of Imam Raza A.S.
The greatest gift to your marhoom or terminally ill relatives or friends, who didn't have the chance to perform Hajj/Umrah/Ziaraat themselves, is to send someone else on their bahalf. We have many qualified Howza students and Ulema, who meet all the conditions and are supervised by a reputable spiritual guide.
We offer Qurbani service on your bahalf – to remember the sacrifice made by
Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Allah (SWT). All the meat (from a sheep, goat, or cow)
is distributed to help those in need.
Please feel free to contact us
for any other service not listed above.
We extend our support to the families of our brave shuhada (martyrs). We understand the sacrifices they have made for our community, and it is our duty to stand by their loved ones during their time of need.
Please feel free to contact us
for any other service not listed above.
Welcome to Orphan Funds! We are dedicated to helping orphanages and schools by providing essential items such as air conditioners, refrigerators and other useful items. These devices ensure fresh and nutritious food for orphans.
Please feel free to contact us
for any other service not listed above.
We're here to ensure that no girl is denied the joy of a wedding due to financial constraints. Through community generosity, we provide financial assistance and resources to families in need, making weddings a celebration of love and new beginnings for all.
BS Electrical Engineering, MS Computer Science
Certified Event Planner
U.S. Mobile: +1-973-715-5604 (WhatsApp only)
+1-973-351-5219 (WhatsApp only)
Iraq Mobile: +964 786 781 3873 Iran Mobile: +98 905 046 9574
Pakistan Mobile: +92 331 508 5053
Syed Hasnain Raza founded Major Ziaraat Group LLC on December 15, 2012 to serve the people of
all faiths and sects to visit the holy, pious and most sacred places in world. The group's
mission is to plan pilgrimage tours at a reasonable cost, while maintaining the highest
quality and service.
Mr. Raza had his pre-engineering education from DJ Science College, Karachi, and BS in
Electrical Engineering from N.W.F.P. University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar.
After completing his BS, he moved to United States for higher studies, and attended New
Jersey Institute of Technology.
He also holds a certification in Event and Trade Show planning. He successfully setup and
managed several events, conferences and trade shows in many leading U.S. convention centers.
Mr. Raza has proven ability to work under pressure tackling difficult situations, which are
the result of time constraints, complex problems, unrealistic expectations, competing
demands, limited resources, limited control, or a combination of any of these challenges. He
remains calm and composed within demanding situations and focuses on getting the job done to
the best of his ability.
Presently he runs an IT consulting firm, TECHNITY LLC, based in New Jersey.
He actively participates in all community matters and is ready to offer his volunteer
services for the welfare and progress.